About Us
Who we are?
Persist Fitness is a Group Strength and Conditioning Studio dedicated to bridging the gap between common fitness studio’s and cross fit. With thoughtfully refined programming paired with client centred coaching that suits all levels of fitness, along with the ability to foster a community that encourages the success of all members. We pride ourselves on delivering amazing results for our members and creating genuine connections along the way.
Why choose us?
Having these attributes allows us to do many things such as:
Client Centred Coaching - This means our pure focus, is YOU. We look at how you move, how you lift, how you talk AND how your day was.
This form of coaching allows us to see what is working in our program, and what we can do better. If a lift is lacking, body part over worked or multiple injuries arise, our astounding team is able to alter the programming accordingly.
Our Programming - We follow a 16 week cycle focusing on 4 main lifts. To progress these lifts we split our programming into 4 phases. Base, Strength, Power and Peak. Each with a different intended stimulus and a variety of formats. Different workouts, all designed to progress you towards the same goal, performing in Peak.
Our Studio - Constantly cleaned, constantly updating to service you better as you become better.
Fixed Costs - Our Unlimited Memberships are just that, unlimited. Book 5 sessions per day, message us, take a protein sample, get some measurements, foam roll, have a stretch, nab a personal nutrition guide and take a polaroid selfie AT NO EXTRA COST.
Recovery and Reset Zone - Our premium members and recovery zone only members are able to access this Zone that we have created. To help you recover and perform at your best, taking the guesswork out of both ends. Here, members can utilise Infrared Sauna, Compression Boots, Massage Guns, Trigger Balls and Weekly Yoga Sessions to get ready to perform at their best for the next session.
Most importantly, you will never find our atmosphere, our delivery and our coaching ANYWHERE other than Persist. What we do works, we see it every Peak Phase, every 8 Week Program and we deliver some insane results while creating genuine connections along the way.